Welcome to KidzLife!!

- Here is what you can expect for your first visit to KidzLife:
- Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our Service Coordinator, who will assist your family with the check-in process and classroom assignments.
- You and your child will each receive a sticker with a matching number code. If we need to reach you for any reason, this number code will show up in RED behind the speaker during service. Upon pick-up, please hand your sticker to the classroom teacher. Note: only adults are permitted to pick up children.
- You will be given a double-sided sheet of paper for you to fill out. This provides our team with your child’s important information, such as: name, date of birth, allergies, contact information, and who is permitted to pick up your child. Please return this paper to the check-in desk so that we are able to add your child to our KidzLife roster.
- Here are some steps that our KidzLife Team takes to ensure that your child has a safe, positive, and age-appropriate experience while at church:
- Our doors are locked fifteen minutes after the beginning of each service. Entrance is permitted only to those who have a Team Code. All others must use the doorbell and wait for approval to enter.
- The KidzLife Service Coordinator has open communication with the LifeChurch Security Team at all times throughout services.
- All KidzLife classroom teachers have passed State of Maine background checks.
- There is at least one person that is CPR/First Aid certified within KidzLife at all times.
- Our classroom teachers engage in training, mentorship, and discipleship groups throughout the year to ensure that best practices are at the forefront of our KidzLife programming.
- Each KidzLife classroom follows The Gospel Project curriculum with the children. This Christ-Centered approach takes children chronologically (beginning to end) through the Bible in fun and engaging ways.
- Providing children with a firm, Biblical foundation will enable them to develop a dependence on God and better understand their need for a Savior-Jesus Christ.
- Introducing children to Christian missionaries throughout the world empowers them to be bold in their own personal faith and share the Gospel with those around them.
- Engaging children in prayer encourages them to pursue open communication with their Heavenly Father and a reliance on Him as their provider.
- Content-specific video lessons, activities, and crafts support the children with age-appropriate Bible comprehension each week.
- Jesus’ parents dedicated Him to God when he was a child (Luke 2:22-40). With a desire to follow this Biblical model, LifeChurch provides the opportunity for you to dedicate your children to the Lord.
- The purpose of the Baby Dedication is for parents to present their child(ren) before God and the church, committing to seek after His grace and wisdom in carrying out their parental responsibilities.
- Psalm 127:3 tells us, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.”
- Baby Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of children.
- Baby Dedication is also a time for you, as parents, to commit to model what following Jesus looks like and to raise your child(ren) to understand that he/she are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to believe that the Bible is absolute Truth, and to know the importance of committing to a community of faith through the local church.
- During the Baby Dedication service, parents promise before God, their family, and the church to raise their child(ren) in a God-honoring way.
- Because parents are the key role models for their children, we ask that they commit to the following before dedicating their child(ren):
- Parents have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are following Him in their own lives.
- Parents are regular attendees of weekly LifeChurch services.
- Parents agree with LifeChurch’s beliefs and values, which can be found here (insert link to “Our Beliefs” section on website).
Common Baby Dedication Questions
Do I need to be a member of LifeChurch to dedicate my child(ren)?
You do not need to be a member of LifeChurch to dedicate your child. We do ask that families call LifeChurch home, because in dedicating your child to God, you are stating that you are willing to partner with God and the Church to raise your child in cooperation with God’s intentions. As your church family, we are here to partner with you as the body of Christ and support you as a family unit.
Can a single parent participate in a Baby Dedication Service?
YES!! Baby Dedication signifies the commitment of parents, including single parents, to do their best to raise their child(ren) to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We encourage single parents to include any important figures in their child’s life to be a part of the dedication. As an extension of your family, LifeChurch is committed to supporting single parents in providing a Christian foundation for their child’s upbringing.
What can I expect during the Baby Dedication Service?
Baby Dedication is an in-service celebration! During the ceremony, parents publicly commit to help their child grow in their faith and to raise them in a home centered around Jesus. Our Pastoral Team welcomes the child and parent(s), prays over each family, and presents a Bible to each child.
Is Dedication the same as Baptism?
LifeChurch believes that baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to trust Jesus for their salvation, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means.
Dedication is a sacrament; nor does it impact grace or salvation to a child. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, as each person recognizes their sinfulness and receives forgiveness and eternal life through Him and His on the cross.
Rather than baptizing infants or children, we encourage a Dedication Ceremony, where parents can call upon God’s blessing for their child(ren) and publicly commit to raise him/her in accordance with Scripture.
When is Baby Dedication?
Baby Dedications are held at various times throughout the year. If you are interested in participating in Baby Dedication, please fill out this form (insert link to Baby Dedication Sign Up Form).
- We are so excited that you are considering water baptism for your child!
- Every child can have a personal relationship with Jesus, and in KidzLife, we encourage children to make a decision to follow Him.
- We strive to illustrate for children how to learn about and from Jesus, as they walk with Him each day.
- We advise parents to wait until their child(ren) is asking to be water baptized; as this is a typical indicator that he/she is ready for the spiritual milestone.
- While younger children can have a relationship with Jesus, they may not necessarily grasp the significance of the event. Please take some time to discern if your child(ren) is fully ready for water baptism!
- Here are a few questions to ask your child(ren) and possible answers to gauge their readiness for water baptism:
- “When did you decide to follow Jesus and become His forever friend?”
- A specific memory of when he/she understood what Jesus did on the cross.
- A recognition that he/she needs Jesus in his/her life.
- “What does it mean to be water baptized?”
- A recognition that baptism is a physical declaration to follow Jesus and proclamation to their Christian faith.
- An understanding that baptism symbolizes a heart turned to Jesus and desire to follow Him.
- “Why do you want to be water baptized?”
- Knowledge that Scripture details Jesus’ baptism and command for ourselves to be baptized.
- An understanding that devoting your life to following Jesus requires being baptized in water.
- A desire to be welcomed into God’s family of faith.
- “When did you decide to follow Jesus and become His forever friend?”
- In discussion, you may recognize that your child does not fully understand the significance of such a heavy decision, and is not quite ready for water baptism. That is okay, and it is very appropriate to wait. During this time, allow your child to observe water baptisms and talk with him/her to deepen their understanding on the topic.
- If you feel that your child is ready to publically dedicate his/her life to the Lord, please fill out this form (please insert link to Baptism Sign Up Form).
- Here is a link to a devotional that you and your child can participate in together to prepare for water baptism: Salvation And Baptism: A Conversation For You And Your Kids (bible.com)
- “So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIRV
- Please like and follow our KidzLife Parents Facebook Page and see what our children’s ministry is up to:
- Want to know more about the curriculum being implemented within each classroom, The Gospel Project? Check out their website:
- Looking for a place to read the Bible and connect with God each day? Download the YouVersion Bible App from your app store:
- Are you interested in praying Scripture over your children/grandchildren/etc? Moms in Prayer is a great place to get started:
- The mission of KidzLife is to provide a safe place for children to develop a genuine relationship with and understanding of God, mature in their spiritual growth, and enhance their closeness with their brothers and sisters in Christ!
- Our KidzLife Core Values:
- Love God
- Love People
- Do My Best
- Have Fun
- Serve Others
- I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth. 3 John 1:4